Fundraiser for Health Project in Berkeley, California

Our friends at The Dokotoro Project invite readers in Northern California to a house party that will feature fantastic Malian music, food, and drinks.

The Dokotoro Project is raising funds to translate and publish the book “Where There Is No Doctor” in Bambara, a national language of Mali, West Africa. It is the world’s most widely used guidebook for community health, published by the Hesperian Foundation in Berkeley. We’re celebrating the completion of our first two chapters at a friend’s beautiful home in the Berkeley Hills.

We’ll be featuring a DJ playing African classics, and live music by Karamo Susso from The Gambia, master of the kora, a 21-stringed African harp. More surprises TBA! More details and RSVP below.

Join us to celebrate the completion of our first two chapters at a launch party hosted at a beautiful home in the Berkeley Hills. Fantastic bay views, crisp autumn air, great company, live kora music and delicious West African food and drinks.

Sunday, November 11, 2012
3 – 7 pm
RSVP to for location and full details

Rides will be available from the North Berkeley BART. A donation request will be made at the event.

For those of you who cannot attend but still want to support this effort, please make an online donation.
