Plans for School #10

We are busy laying the groundwork for the tenth school we will help build in Mali, West Africa. We are planning to build a new school near M’Pessoba, which is between Bla and Koutiala on the north/south paved road between the major cities of Segou and Sikasso. There is a cluster of small villages that currently send their children to school in M’Pessoba, but kids have to walk from 5 – 11 km (3 – 7 miles) to get there, along the busy highway.

Several teenage girls have been assaulted walking to or from school. Our plan is to built a centrally located school that will serve the villages Boudibougou, Fantala, Kemesorola, and Sobala, as well as other settlements in the area.

We need your help to make this a reality. Please consider contributing today!

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